Andrew Collins is the author of "The Cygnus Mystery", "Gateway to Atlantis," "Tutankhamun: The Exodus Conspiracy" and his latest book is called "Beneath Pyramids". Andrew is back to discuss the latest developments on Giza's cave underworld, Edgar Cayce's Hall of Records and Dr. Zahi Hawass' announcement of the caves during the episode "Bats" of his "Chasing Mummies" TV series. In the second hour we discuss the "The Cygnus Mystery" and the connection to Giza's cave underworld. Other topics discussed: Tomb of the Birds, NC2, Hawass caves, Hermes, Thoth, Salt, Howard Wise, Caviglia, Edgar Cayce, Giza to Saqqara cave connection, Hall of Records, Randall Stevens, halls of initiation, Lingam stone, TerraSAR-X radar satellite images, hidden rooms in the caves, Dr David Cheetham, archeology, Chasing Mummies, Edgar Cayce' s Foundation A.R.E., Aswan Dam, water at the pyramids, womb, hominids, homosapiens, Ben-Ben stone, secret chamber, aliens, genetic engineering, creation of man, unconscious construction of pyramids, divinely inspired, timing and more.